DebridItalia is, as the name suggests, an Italian multihoster, which is now also known beyond the Italian borders. DebridItalia has been available since 2011. DebridItalia is very popular with occasional users because of its low prices and the supported filehosters.
What is offered:
DebridItalia only offers filehosters. 25 different filehosters are supported. There is also Share-Online.biz, which should be interesting for many users, but also Uploaded.net, Isra.Cloud, Turbobit and many more are there. Unfortunately Rapidgator.net is missing.
Update: shortly after our test Rapidgator.net was added, unfortunately we couldn’t test it anymore
Basically there is no general limit, but most filehosters have a daily limit, e.g. Share-Online with 3 GB/day, Filer.net with 20 GB/day or Mexashare with 5 GB/day. 9 filehosters are completely unlimited, including Uploaded.net. In our tests we could actually load 500 GB in one day from Uploaded.net.
The Website:
The website looks as if it has never been updated since it was created in 2011. However, it is very transparent. Many functions are not available anyway and superfluous things have been completely omitted. There is a status page for the filehosters, as well as a downloader page. There are no further functions.
The Service:
Of course, I immediately took a look at Share-Online, a filehoster that is rarely offered elsewhere and is very popular in Germany. Unfortunately the disappointment came quickly: The download from Share-Online didn’t work.
Also other filehosters have been quite unstable, so the download of Turbobit only worked after some attempts and the download of Mexashare not at all. So you can’t rely on the status page, because all these filehosters had been marked as working.
But downloads from Uploaded.net and Filer.net always worked without any problems and very fast.
Supported Tools and Programs
On the website you can find your own downloaders for Windows and macOS, various third-party tools and even their own browser add-ons. Unfortunately, at least the browser addons don’t work at all and their downloader has no added value, rather the opposite: you can only add one link and download it. There doesn’t seem to be any added value to the downloader on the website. But with jDownloader DebridItalia works fine.
The Speed
The speed should be more than sufficient for most. Although the speed sometimes varies a bit, I was always able to reach at least 15 MB/s, but the average was more like 30-60 MB/s.
Support is available via the contact form on the website. Unfortunately the operating system and IP address will be logged. Further correspondance will be via e-mail, so there are no tickets or a helpdesk.
Answers came mostly quite fast, but sometimes not at all.
The Pricing:
As already mentioned, the prices are very reasonable. While you only pay 3,90€ for 30 days, 6 months only cost 11,90€ and 1 year only 21,90€. As payment methods are accepted PayPal, bank transfer (via eBay), credit card, PaySafeCard, Revolut, crypto currencies, postepay and SMS. However, not all packages are available for all payment methods. There are also some official resellers where you can also buy. Very often there are also additional offers where the annual account only costs 19-20€ for certain payment methods.
You can’t test the offer officially, but of course you can try it through the support. Otherwise you can also buy and test 15 days Premium for 2,90€.
The offer sounds great, unfortunately some filehosters didn’t work during the test. Nevertheless, the unlimited download from Uploaded.net alone is more than worth the monthly price of 1,82€ (for the 1 year package) for many, not to mention the other working filehosters. If you don’t need a complete offer with Torrent, Usenet and sometimes even more, but only use the filehosters, you can really save here and get a great offer for it. But if you also need Torrent, Usenet, etc., you might want to look for another Multihoster.
Transparency Notice:
For this test, DebridItalia.com provided us with a free account. However, this does not affect our objective review. Further information can be found here.
Debriditalia – NIE wieder
95% der versprochenen Hoster funktionieren nicht. Der Support existiert so gut wie gar nicht. Leider habe ich für ein Jahr bezahlt. Na, das Geld ist dann wohl den Bach runter. FINGER WEG VON DEBRIDITALIA !!!
So ein Schwachsinn, es kann wie bei allen Anbietern vorkommen das man kurze Aussetzer hat (~1.Tag) die aber schnell gefixt werden und man dann laden kann.
Bei den Preisen ist das schon Meckern auf sehr hohen Niveau!
Bei Debriditalia sollte man manchmal wirklich Geduld mitbringen, also wer 100% zu einem gewissen Zeitpunkt etwas herunterladen möchte, kann auch mal einen Tag in die Röhre schauen. Meistens funktioniert es aber wirklich zuverlässig und für die 1-2€ pro Monat kann man sich den Account schon gönnen.
Extrem mieser Anbieter. Es ist pures Glück, wenn mal ein Rapidgator oder Turbobit Download funktioniert, meist heißt es einfach nur kurzzeitig nicht verfügbar. Bei Uploaded gehen manchmal 2-3, dann gibts wieder eine Captcha-Abfrage. Das sind nicht mal die 25€ wert.
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